Free and low-cost support for exploring your inner world You don’t need a lot of money, or any at all, to get some help navigating your internal community or learning more about human multiplicity. Here are some resources to try.
Beyond “Self-Leadership” Despite the centrality of “Self-leadership” in IFS theory, people actually experience their sense of self in a vast diversity of forms. This workshop, proposed for the October 12 Parts Work Unconference, is a place to explore alternative conceptions of Self.
Two weird tricks for getting by in overwhelming times Well hello again! 👋 It is lovely to be back in your inbox after all these absurdly eventful months. Since unprecedented times seem likely to continue for the foreseeable future, I’d like to offer two practical ideas about how living more plurally can help us stay sane as history whirls us along.
Schwartz and Sweezy, “Individuals as Systems” (2020) The second chapter from the second edition of Richard Schwartz and Martha Sweezy’s Internal Family Systems textbook, which gives an overview of the fundamental principles of the IFS model.
Partsworkers of the World, Unite! This workshop, proposed for the June 1 Parts Work Unconference, is a place to imagine new forms of community among IFS and allied practitioners.
Why the IFS Institute™ probably won’t budge Many colleagues are hoping that, with enough persuasion, the leaders of the IFS Institute will realize the error of their hard pivot toward clinical mental healthcare. But the training I got from the IFS Institute makes me skeptical.
A role-playing game for IFS practitioners In this private online consulting group for IFS practitioners, we’ll use the conventions of role-playing games to explore our systems and practices. (This page is just for invited participants, so please don’t share it.)