Beyond “Self-Leadership”
Despite the centrality of “Self-leadership” in IFS theory, people actually experience their sense of self in a vast diversity of forms. This workshop, proposed for the October 12 Parts Work Unconference, is a place to explore alternative conceptions of Self.

This page accompanies a workshop I am pre-proposing for the next Parts Work Unconference, this October 12 from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Central. Get your free ticket here.
The Internal Family Systems model argues that human systems are naturally organized hierarchically: when you’ve healed, your Self leads and your parts follow. Despite the centrality of “Self-leadership” in IFS, however, people actually experience their sense of self in a vast diversity of ways.
This informal conversation will let us get curious about the many conceptions of “Self” there are, in the hope of opening new avenues for healing and liberation.